[GGH4.X-5.X] ActiveXクライアントで,GGサーバに接続時に自動的にブラウザ (IE) を閉じたい.
技術ノート KGTN 2012011901
[GGH4.X-5.X] ActiveXクライアントで,GGサーバに接続時に自動的にブラウザ (IE) を閉じたい.
下記のようにlogon.html にパラメタ (下線部分) を与えることで,GGサーバに接続時に自動的にブラウザ (IE) を閉じることが可能です.但し,Windows Vista および Windows 7 の環境では, UAC (ユーザーアカウント制御) を無効にするか,またはブラウザ (IE) を 「管理者として実行」 する必要があります.
補 足
The correct functionality (when fixed) will be as follows: When "autoclose" = "true," the browser will close at different times depending on the "bInBrowser" setting. If "bInBrowser" is set to "false," the browser will close as soon as the session starts. Alternatively, if "bInBrowser" is set to "true," the browser will close when the session ends. When "autoclose" = "false" (the default setting), the GO-Global Add-on will not close the browser window when it finishes executing. Alternatively, when "autoclose" = "true" the GO-Global Add-on will close when the browser window when it finishes executing. The bug is scheduled for 4.0.1 Patch 5