


[GGH5.1] HTML5クライアントの通信のプロトコルは?


技術ノート KGTN 2017090601

[GGH5.1] HTML5クライアントの通信のプロトコルは?

HTML5クライアントの通信プロトコルは RXP over HTTP で,より正確に言えば, RXP over WebSocket protocol (ws://) です.暗号化は,この RXP プロトコル上で 56-bit DES または SSL で行われます.詳細については,下記説明をご覧ください.

The default protocol for the HTML5 client is RXP over HTTP. This is true, but it's a bit more accurate to say
it’s RXP over WebSocket protocol (ws://). By default, GO-Global hosts are configured to use the TCP
Transport with 56-bit DES encryption. In this default configuration, the WebSocket packets transmitted
between HTML5 clients and the host are not encrypted, but the RXP payloads of the WebSocket packets are
encrypted using 56-bit DES encryption.
When an HTML5 client connects to a GO-Global host that is configured to use SSL, the HTML5 client must
be configured to use the Secure WebSocket protocol. This can be done by specifying the WebSocket URL in
the client’s URL with the Secure WebSocket protocol as follows:
http[s]:// /[host_address]/goglobal/?WebSocketURL=wss://[host_address]:491/
When the Secure WebSocket (wss://) protocol is specified, the client then opens a Secure WebSocket
connection to the specified port on the GO-Global host. In this case both the WebSocket packets and the
RXP payloads are encrypted using OpenSSL and the cipher that is selected in the Cluster Manager.


KGTN2017090601.pdf (32.6 KB) kitasp 技術センター, 2017/10/10 10:51